Wow, if you were not at the May 7 meeting you missed a great keynote speaker when Teresa Rocha, Executive Director of the Broadway Partnership spoke. Read all about it here!
The Broadway Partnership is a Property Improvement District (PBID). This is but one of twelve in Sacramento. Our Club has heard from two, the Florin Road Partnership and Stockton Cooperative. There is another in our area called the North Franklin District.
The Broadway Partnership is one of the newest PBID’s that has been created. It was established in 2007 by election of the property and business owners. Its boundaries are Interstate 5 on the west, Highway 99 on the east, X Street on the north and Broadway on the south. In 2012 the PBID was renewed by over an 80% vote.
This PBID is comprised of a 15-member board consisting of business and property owners. The same people that voted for the PBID are the ones who govern how the money will be spent each year.
The two biggest concerns for the PBID have been cleanliness and safety. A three-man litter pickup crew was hired to pick up trash in the area 6 days a week.
Thirty-two trashcans were purchased and located along the street. Last year over 11 tons of trash was collected! As to safety, a private security company was hired for 2 hours each day at random times to supplement the police service. Lastly, the PBID does graffiti removal. They work with the property owners so the removal does not look like a painted patch on the wall but part of the building.
The District contains 350 parcels and 200 owners. About 2 years ago the District partnered with the Urban Land Institute (ULI) to create a master plan. The master
planning process including over 40 people, including professionals, businesses, property owners and city staff. It met at Sierra 2 with the purpose of creating a “Vision for Broadway.” You can view the Vision on the Partnerships website at then click on the study plan to view it.
There are three strategic projects that the District is pursuing. First is the Choice Neighborhood Project. While this is a Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency project the District is concerned with the development along Broadway should be designed to attract people from all over the city into the area. Second, is the River Crossing to create more connectivity to Yolo County and what’s happening in West Sacramento along the riverfront. Finally, the third project is the Complete Streets Project done in cooperation with Caltrans to make Broadway safe for pedestrians, bicyclist and automobiles.