Just Last Week: September 24
Posted by Barry Hogan
Issue No. 12 - September 24 Barry K. Hogan, Newsletter Editor
Ever wonder who feeds the homeless, underemployed people, seniors and children who can’t make ends meet each week? Margaret Brown from SSIP (South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership) told us that her group does. With an annual budget of $125,000, she and a group of 100 volunteers provide food seven days a week to those in need. Seven to nine churches founded this worthwhile organization in 1969 to fill community needs. Its major focus is the Food Closet. SSIP is the second largest food agency in Sacramento County; the Food Bank is the largest. So where does all of this food come from? Margaret told us that it comes from the participating churches, individuals, organizations, kids can drives, purchased from the Sac Food Bank and other grocery stores such as Grocery Outlet. They also get donations from Trader Joe’s, Nugget, and Safeway. Their money comes from donations from churches, trust funds, grants and fundraisers.
The Prez Says. . .
Paint the Town was a great success for us and everyone participating. We were able to install a new front yard, with some trimming of existing landscaping, removal of some shrubs, installation of some weed blocking fabric and bark and rocks. We also spent a lot of time painting the black wrought iron fencing a brand new rust color. A great time was had by all. A big thanks to JR for making this happen for the Club.
I’m going to wear my best Aloha shirt for our meeting next week with the District Governor, Glenn Fong. He will also be our keynote speaker.
Our October 1st meeting will be at Iron Grill. Be there or be square!