Just Last Week: July 30
Posted by Barry Hogan
Issue No. 4 - July 30 Barry K. Hogan, Newsletter Editor
If you ever wondered and didn’t know what all of the efforts in fundraiser are for, you found out at our last meeting. There were representatives from eight community organizations that attended our weekly meeting to receive donations from the Rotary Club of South Sacramento.
Norcal Camp Grizzly was there represented by Cheryl Bell with her interpreter Stephanie Hester; Moral Values Program was represented by Marty Haley with Randy Lopez, a former student of the school; The Boy Scouts, represented by Justin Hernandez, soon to be a new member of the club; The Girl Scouts was represented by Julie Whitehouse; Loaves and Fishes Mustard Seed School was represented by Brian Gross; I Can Do That! was represented by Allison Sertic; The Sacramento Children’s Home TAP Program was represented by Todd Koolakian; Camellia Juniors Orchestra was represented by Paolo Reyes; and the YMCA, our major recipient who assisted in the Crab Feed, was represented by Amanda McCarthy. Two other organizations received donation that were unable to attend. They are SSIP Food Closet and the Sacramento City College Dental Hygiene Research Competition participants.

As the checks were presented to each organization, the representatives told the audience where the funds would be spent and what their organization does. It was truly heartwarming to hear their appreciation for our efforts as well as to hear how the money would be spent to help children and the needy. This is what Rotary is all about! Service above Self.
The Prez Says. . .
There is still time to comment on ReFire, if you haven’t already commented orally at the meeting, please take the time to let me know your feelings either by phone or in writing through email. Your participation is vital to making this a Plan for all club members. It is still my intent to consider adoption of ReFire at the August Board meeting.
On August 6 is Supper STRS – Excel 2013 training. On August 15 is the Rotary Zone Membership New Focus Training for which I have registered, as well as Anne Hasbrook, with JR and Michael likely attendees also. On August 24 is the District Golf Tournament. Although it is still some time from now, you get a discount the earlier you sign up for the Rotary Foundation Dinner! I would like to fill at least one table, if not two. Sign up now. Contact Leigh-Ann Reinero at lreinero@yahoo.com or 916-803-6895 for registration information. The cost, through the end of August is $55/person, which goes to $65 through October 23rd and $75/person after that! The event is at the Double Tree Hotel on November7th starting at 6 p.m.
As I mentioned at the meeting, you can pay for your lunch and raffle tickets for the entire year. For those meetings that you are unable to make, a refund will be given at the end of the Rotary year. This annual payment will make the check in line shorter and the work of the money taker faster and easier. The cost for just lunch for 37 meetings beginning August 13 is $555 at $15/meeting, not including the Holiday Party, Demotion Party, or Happy Hours. If you want to add raffle tickets please do. Please give your checks to Steve Mauch.
Only two more meetings before the Parade of Presidents take over for me while I am on vacation. The Parade is as follows:
8/20 Dave Lambros
8/27 Anne Hasbrook
9/3 JR Springer
9/10 Jim Tracy
9/17 Craig Stevenson
9/24 Barbara Tracy
10/1 Krysia Falltrick
10/8 Michael DiGrazia
Our August 5th meeting is at Iron Grill. See you there.